On 16th November 2012 the Federal Government announced the early removal of additional solar incentives that had been in place over the last few years.  These incentives had been progressively reduced on an annual basis and were scheduled to end June 30th 2013.  This deadline was brought forward to December 31st 2012.

So does this mean solar is no longer financially viable?


Let me explain:

1) Firstly, what most people don’t realise is that there is still a rebate available for installing solar.  What has been removed is the “added incentive” the Federal Government applied since 2010.
Solar Credits are provided in the form of additional tradable certificates called small-scale technology certificates (STCs) for eligible small-scale renewable energy systems including solar photovoltaic (PV) systems. 

Further information on STCs can be found here:

For example you are still eligible for 62 STCs for a 3kW system, which translates to approximately $1800+ (based on an STC price of around $30).

2) Due to the significant demand for solar in recent years (more than 390,000 installed in Australia last year) the cost of installing a system is substantially less than in previous years.

3) Whilst the market value of STCs can fluctuate, the current spot price is more than $30 and been consistently so for some time.  While the incentive multiplier has previously been higher, rarely has the STC price been consistently around the $30 mark.

All in all, the above indicators simply mean that installing solar on your house or business is as financially viable as it has ever been.  In fact with electricity prices 60% higher than 3 years ago, and continuing to rise, there has never been a better time to go solar.

If you want to protect yourself against these rising electricity costs call us now for a free consultation.

Why Energy Efficiency Matters More than Ever

Posted on 10 June 2015

Australia boasts some of the most unique environments on Earth, from tropical paradises to arid deserts and cool temperate zones. However, those environments rely on a delicate balance of global temperatures, and the more energy we use, the more those temperatures change.

You've probably heard about humanity's effect on the environment already, so you've taken steps to reduce your energy usage and your carbon footprint. You've bought energy-efficient appliances and started recycling paper products, plastics, metals and more. You may even put up with a drier yard and less-than-ideal interior temperatures in your efforts to protect the planet.

But have you considered installing solar technology to boost your energy efficiency even more? Australians enjoy an abundance of sunlight, so solar panels and similar technologies provide a viable energy source. They also help your budget and the environment in the following ways.

1. You preserve non-renewable resources and habitats.

Normal power sources come from fossil fuels like oil or natural gas. And while these materials produce a lot of energy, they aren't sustainable over time. They will run out eventually, especially because society consumes them at an unmaintainable rate.

Companies also have to mine fossil fuels to access them. The mining process often requires a limited amount of habitat destruction, and sometimes the destruction happens to a larger degree. Whole species can become endangered or extinct as a result. You protect these species, their habitats, and the world's non-renewable resources when you switch to solar power.

Solar power requires only a small number of resources to create the devices that catch and channel it. After the initial installation, you need only sunlight, which is 100% renewable and doesn't produce any pollution.

2. You reduce the amount of pollution and greenhouse gases in both air and water.

Fossil fuels don't just release pollution, greenhouse gases and other toxins when you use them to power your home. Miners also use them to power their machines while they extract more fossil fuels, creating an unhealthy cycle.

Solar technology reduces your dependency on this cycle and leads to cleaner air for all to enjoy. And clean air helps trees, animals, and other living beings in addition to humans.

3. You save money on power.

Some people avoid purchasing solar panels and other options because they think the benefits don't outweigh the expense.

However, this mindset comes from the outdated idea that solar panels cost a fortune. Modern innovations have made this technology much more affordable for the average homeowner or small business. Your solar panels will quickly pay for
themselves in energy savings. Soon, you might not have to pay for power at all.

4. You create jobs.

Solar technology and other energy-efficient projects create hundreds of thousands of jobs every year. If you want to reduce unemployment in your area and fund jobs for your friends and neighbours, invest in solar. Your investment will boost the entire economy as well.

5. You fund scientific and technological innovation.

As your investment creates more jobs and boosts the economy, some of that money will go into technological innovation. Innovation makes solar energy more efficient and cost effective for the average consumer. It also helps manufacturers create more products, like solar-powered shingles, HVAC systems, vehicles, phone chargers and more. Solar power may even open doors for technology experts haven't even though of yet.

As energy-efficient technologies develop, homes and businesses decrease their reliance on fossil fuels, lower their power bills, preserve habitats and reduce pollution. Do your part to contribute to this change by investing in solar power today. Your local energy or HVAC representative can tell you more.

Posted in:Have you considered installing solar technology to boost your energy efficiency?  
Just wanted to say thank you, Your guys did a very professional job of the installation it looks ...

Lucy. N
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